This year is going to be exciting, chaotic, no doubt frustrating but hopefully hugely successful with Howard Shooter Studios new venture of a new hire studio designed just for filming food. Work will start (fingers crossed), in July 2016 and it will see complete changes to the existing two studios with the interiors being completely re-structured to allow for the lovely Camden daylight to still be retained. So we will have one hire studio designed predominantly for stills, one studio for predominantly filming, and of course I’ll still be shooting downstairs. Ordering 4 new kitchens is just one of a thousand and one new tasks which I’ve been getting my teeth into. The new main filming studio will have a full lighting rig, remotely controlled with a cook up kitchen adjacent to it. The room will be sound proofed and air-conditioned with a dedicated props room on the ground floor. This hopefully will be the place to go for all your food filming and still photography needs. We will inevitably have to close for 6-8 months (not yet!!!!) while the work is going on and I will be also relocating during this time, but the potential is exciting and yes… I’m very nervous as I want the spaces to be as successful and friendly as the current hire studio is…. At the moment we are business as usual and I’ll be putting more updates on as they happen…. So apologies if I bore you with my excitement if you happen to hire the upstairs… but I hope Howard Shooter Studios becomes a hub for creative food professionals, whether they be stills or filming, in London and the UK.